Chapter 032: The Number One Rascal of West Street



Off to the side, a muscular man smashed his huge fist down onto the consultation desk.

"Brat, who do you think you're talking to like that?" the muscular man bellowed with round, bulging eyes as if he could tear Guo Yi to shreds at any moment.

Guo Yi just smiled faintly and didn't reply.

Ye Xiaoyu, on the other hand, was terrified. She hurried over and interjected, "Gentlemen, Grandmaster Guo's reputation is well-known far and wide, how could he be a fraud? If you don't believe it, you could ask others!"

Chen Tianming looked at Guo Yi with disdain and said, "I have an ailment, come, treat me. If you cure me, I will reward you handsomely, if not, hmph, I will smash this shabby shop of yours and make you pay for your charlatanism here on West Street!"

"Exactly, speaking with strength!" Ye Xiaoyu hastily added.