Chapter 063: Master Guo, I Admit Defeat!

Tap, tap, tap...

Guo Yi's fingers gently tapped on the table.

After a long while, he smiled and said, "How about it, we bet on both pharmacies?"


Elder Liu and Old Master Lin both took a sharp breath.

"That's out of the question, absolutely not!" Old Master Lin panicked first.

Elder Liu, on the other hand, fell silent. He said, "I need to discuss this with President Liu."

"Go ahead, give me an answer after you've discussed it," Guo Yi said with a disdainful smile.

Elder Liu stood up and left.

Old Master Lin hurriedly called Ye Xiaoyu, but to his surprise, Ye Xiaoyu agreed without hesitation.

Ye Xiaoyu had great trust in Guo Yi's medical skills. Even if she lost, it wouldn't matter. With Guo Yi's medical skills, wouldn't it be easy to earn back a pharmacy?


"Elder Liu, are you confident?" Liu Ruyan asked.

"Yes!" Elder Liu nodded firmly.