Chapter 079: One Move Could Destroy Heaven and Earth

One cultivates with extreme secret techniques as their guiding principle, resulting in a monstrosity neither human nor ghost; another uses Gu insects as their secret technique, using spirit children, using human bodies as hosts, to nurture their own insects. Both commit acts that grievously harm the natural laws.

"Where are the immortals from, and where are the demons from?" Mrs. Lin sneered, "Immortals and demons are all from the same family. Boy, don't think that just because you have learned the orthodox ways of the Dao that you can call yourself an immortal. In fact, you are just as pitiful as we are!"

"Ridiculous!" Guo Yi's face changed slightly, "Evil creature, how dare you disturb my heart demon."

"Haha…" Mrs. Lin laughed heartily, "Although I am no match for you, if I want to escape, how could you catch up with me?"


With that, Mrs. Lin took a step towards the window.

The figure had already disappeared.