Chapter 087: Heading to the Tang Residence (Seeking Recommendations)

Guo Yi, in his new clothes, was indeed unbearably handsome.

His clean, fair complexion revealed a clear-cut, cold handsomeness; his black, deep eyes shone with an enchanting luster; those thick eyebrows, high-bridged nose, and exquisitely shaped lips all loudly proclaimed nobility and elegance,

The thick eyebrows rebelliously lifted slightly upward, beneath the long, slightly curled eyelashes were a pair of eyes as clear as the morning dew, a straight nose, lips as tender as rose petals, and fair skin…

Chen Anqi dared not linger her gaze on his eyes too long, several times. His eyes seemed like bottomless traps that she might fall into any moment. Therefore, she avoided Guo Yi's gaze.

"Sister Chen, you will definitely find your happiness!" Guo Yi said earnestly.

His tone was sincere, heartfelt.

Upon hearing this, Chen Anqi trembled all over. She bit her red lips and said, "I am not considering my own lifelong issues for the time being, I have to take care of my father."