Chapter 117: Proclaim to All Under Heaven

Feiyu Group, twentieth floor.

General Manager's Office.

Liu Ziheng rushed in hastily, panting and shouting, "Ruyan."

"Liu Ziheng?" Liu Ruyan was taken aback and asked, "What happened? What's the matter?"

"Something big has happened in Jiangnan City," Liu Ziheng said excitedly. "Do you know? Tang Ru... the Luminous Pearl of the Tangs, is actually going to take a master."

"What?" Liu Ruyan exclaimed, "Whom... whom is she going to apprentice with?"

"It seems like some Martial Arts Grandmaster, I'm not very clear myself," Liu Ziheng shook his head and said, "The Tangs have already sent out invitations to all the major families in Jiangnan City, and even the martial arts schools have received them. It's said that this time the Tangs intend to hold a grand event."

"This is not the Tangs' style at all," Liu Ruyan was astonished.