Chapter 142: Punishment

"Ru'er has actually broken through to the Martial Arts Grandmaster?" the elder of the Tangs was utterly astonished.

At that moment, Guo Yi appeared silently beside them, "Joining our ancient Daoqing Sect, this is but the Qi Transformation Realm."

"Qi Transformation Realm?" The elder of the Tangs hastily asked, "What is that?"

"Our Daoqing Sect practices the orthodox ways of the Three Thousand Great Dao," Guo Yi replied with an open smile before continuing, "We cultivate using Huangdi's Inner Canon Secret Techniques. There are four minor realms below and four major realms above. Entry to the Qi Transformation Realm, foundation in the Xuan Body Realm, enlightenment in the Qi Transformation Realm, minor catastrophe in the Great Achievement Realm."

"These are the four minor realms?" The elder of the Tangs inquired.

"Yes!" Guo Yi nodded.

Then..." the elder of the Tangs swallowed nervously, "what about the four major realms?"