Chapter 154: A Flower, A World


"Success!" Guo Yi gripped the shiny black bead, his excitement palpable.

Having acquired the Chen Yin Wood, he now possessed four of the Five Elements Stones. Only the final Yáotǔ Stone was missing.

"Master, you're so amazing!" Tang Ru looked at Guo Yi with pure admiration.

"You'll be able to do the same in the future," Guo Yi said with a smile.

"Master, how did you shrink something so massive into such a tiny thing?" Tang Ru, who couldn't hold her thoughts inside, was astounded that such large Chen Yin Wood could be condensed into something so minuscule through the power of space.

"That's nothing!" Guo Yi shook his head and said, "If you can achieve the body of an Immortal, even a planet could be shrunk to this size."


Tang Ru was flabbergasted, her eyes wide and mouth agape.

"How is that possible?!" she quickly shook her head in disbelief.