Chapter 173: The High Official Has Arrived

"Master." The moment Tang Ru saw Guo Yi, she immediately burst into tears.

"Ru'er!" Guo Yi embraced the rushing Tang Ru, softly comforting her, "Do not cry."

"Master, Uncle Guo, he..." Tang Ru cried even harder.

What kind of courage had led him to choose this path?

Human life is precious, even the humblest ant instinctively clings to existence. How much more so a human being?

"My father chose this path as a form of release for his soul," Guo Yi sighed deeply, "I feel happy for him."

Tang Ru looked up at Guo Yi with tearful eyes, then choked out, "Really?"

"Yes!" Guo Yi nodded, "This is the last letter he left for me. Take a look."

Guo Yi handed the letter to Tang Ru.

After glancing at it, Tang Ru read it with fascination, "To love a person, to choose a city, to settle for a life..."

Mr. Guo's devoted and profound love deeply moved Tang Ru. Holding that letter, her affection for Guo Yi grew even deeper. With such a father, how could the son be anything less?

She turned.