Chapter 184: The Bone Zither Stained with Blood

The might of fire poison is hard to withstand for ordinary people.

Many endure the torment of fire poison their entire lives, with some even losing the courage to continue living.

"Oh no!" Tang's father slapped his thigh and said, "Quick, go fetch the Tianshan Snow Lotus and administer it to Ru'er."


Only a petal of the Tianshan Snow Lotus was used, and Tang Ru's body temperature significantly decreased. However, her temperature was still unusually high. Tang's father, extremely distressed, said, "Hurry… go invite Grandmaster Guo."


Guo Yi had just finished a day of treatments and was preparing to leave.

"Make way, make way!" Someone burst in from outside.

"Grandmaster, it's bad." The guard shouted repeatedly, "Miss Tang... has been stricken with fire poison!"

"What?" Guo Yi was startled.

"Miss Tang was playing the zither on the rooftop today, and unexpectedly..." The guard's face was laden with urgency as he said, "it exploded."