Chapter 188: Shaolin Copper Men (Seeking Recommendation Votes)

Wan Lin'er was the only legitimate heir of Wan's Group, while Wan Jianguo and Wan Ding Shan were illegitimate claimants.

"Let us in!" Wan Lin'er roared.

"Miss, no one is allowed to enter without President Wan's orders," the bodyguard at the door was immovable.

"I am the master of this estate, what are you people?" Wan Lin'er bellowed.

The bodyguard at the door sneered and said, "After today, this estate will change owners."

"You" Wan Lin'er's face turned pale with anger, "'re going too far, shamelessly robbing people of their property, you're just bullies, you're just bandits!"

"Hmph!" The bodyguard was disdainful.

Sideways, Guo Yi smiled indifferently: "I've never seen dogs bite their master before, today is a first."

"Kid, what are you?" the bodyguard said haughtily.

"A dog-beater," Guo Yi replied with hands behind his back, stepping forward.

"Fuck!" The bodyguard was enraged.