Chapter 192: Murder for Goods

"How much is this stone?" Guo Yi asked, unflinchingly.

The stone seller gave Guo Yi a glance, somewhat puzzled, "If you want it, it'll be two thousand!"

Just as Guo Yi was about to pay, a middle-aged man next to him spoke up, "Kid, that stone is nothing special, you'd better not want it if you don't want to be taken for a ride."

"Is that so?" Guo Yi smiled and unhesitatingly gave the stone seller two thousand.

The seller smiled, surprised that the least conspicuous stone had actually sold, pleased with the unexpected deal.

"You don't listen to the elderly!" The middle-aged man sneered and continued to search for the stone he needed.


Guo Yi lightly slashed the stone with one hand.

When the black outer shell of the stone was cut open, a shimmering dark jade was revealed inside. Pitch black. In that instant, the fluctuation of spiritual power was intense, and the temperature around seemed to suddenly drop slightly.