Chapter 245: Seizing the Jade King

A Marrow Cleansing Pill went down, and Wang Quanfu's face turned beet red, his expression twisted in pain.

"Kid, can you do it?"

"If not, just admit defeat."

"Accidentally killing someone in treatment, can you bear that responsibility?"

Old men from the Bagua Hall sneered and mocked from the sidelines.

"Shut up!" Guo Yi roared.

The most annoying thing during treatment was being bothered. This old man was not only stubborn and opinionated but also annoyingly noisy. If not for giving face to Shen Congwu, Guo Yi would have slapped him from afar already.

A roar silenced the scene instantly, and the old man's face turned even redder with anger.

The silence was ominous. Guo Yi's anger didn't even spare the elders of the Bagua Hall, let alone these ordinary folks.