Chapter 256: Stray Dogs Fighting for Food

"Yes!" the middle-aged man said with a prideful countenance, "To be granted this title is an absolute honor!"


"This Alchemy Master holds an exceedingly high status in the Medicine God Temple, beyond the reach of anyone's control."

"If I could become an Alchemy Master of the Medicine God Temple, I would die content."

Many in the surrounding crowd yearned deeply, especially some alchemists who made their living through Alchemy—they held the Medicine God Temple in the highest regard.

"Sorry, I'm not interested!" Guo Yi said with disdain.


The area fell into stunned silence.

The middle-aged man felt as if he had been slapped across the face twice, his cheeks turning bright red. He was almost completely frozen in place. The Medicine God Temple was a coveted destination among all sects on the continent, even worthy of condescending alliances.