Chapter 278: Defeating the Heavenly Dao

"Why? Why?"

"Beneath the Heavenly Dao, all are but ants. Why won't a Grandmaster like you step back?"

On the stage, Xu Rou's face was filled with sorrow. She deeply regretted Guo Yi's death, hating herself for having invited him to join her at the Martial Dao Conference. Otherwise, how could such a dazzling talent have fallen here?

"Is this the might of the Heavenly Dao?"

Suddenly, an icy voice emerged from the dust.

The once noisy scene instantly quieted down. Everyone stared with incredulous eyes at the figure stepping out from the dust. That figure, they knew all too well.

"It's him!"

"My God, it really is him."

"He's actually still alive? He actually escaped the grasp of the Master of the Heavenly Path? He even escaped from the hands of the Five Elements Palm!"


The scene turned into a clamor of astonishment.


"Guo Yi!"

Tang Ru and Xu Rou nearly shouted in unison.

"Little Yi, brother!" Shen Congwu exclaimed with joy.