Chapter 280: Killed Just Killed

Lu Fenghua had become immensely powerful, his figure having swollen to several times its size. In contrast, Guo Yi seemed much smaller. Yet, his complexion remained unperturbed, and his eyes still held that glint which seemed to swallow heaven and earth—paying no attention to the formidable Lu Fenghua.

"Today, I will let you witness the might of the Heavenly Dao!" Lu Fenghua roared.

The roar turned into a monstrous wave of sound, hurling countless enormous chunks of concrete from the ground toward Guo Yi.

This attack was indeed awe-inspiring.

"Truly the might of the Heavenly Dao."

"A single roar, akin to thousands of troops and horses charging!"

"How terrifying!"

The crowd exclaimed in shock.

Guo Yi, unruffled, lifted the Bone Sword in his hand.

Void Seal!

Spiritual Power poured into the Bone Sword, causing it to burst forth with a dazzling radiance.

Sword raised, sword fell!

The pitch-black night sky was like a meteor streaking rapidly from the edge of the heavens.