Chapter 290: Subdue with One Move

As the saying goes, if it's not your business, hang it high.

Great Elder, now that the matter involves himself, Guo Yi must take action.

"Hmph!" the burly man roared, saying, "No matter which sect's disciples you are, you'll all have to die here today!"

He was thoroughly enraged, for as a Grandmaster, he naturally possessed the dignity of a Grandmaster. He had not expected that today, someone would slap him, knocking out several of his teeth. How could he swallow this indignity? If he did not reclaim his face today, he feared he might not be able to stand in the Martial Dao world ever again. If word got out that One-Eye Grandmaster was punched and lost several teeth by a nobody, wouldn't that be laughable?

"You don't have the qualification!" Guo Yi snorted coldly.