Chapter 306: Refining Spirit Fruit

What is Body Refinement?

Naturally, it is to temper the mortal body into an immortal body suitable for true cultivation. Guo Yi is currently just someone with a mortal body, and if a stronger Martial Daoist happened to confront Guo Yi, it might pose a certain threat to him. For example, a peak Grandmaster of the extreme Martial Dao from the Heavenly Dao Sect. A peak Grandmaster of the Heavenly Dao Sect is almost equivalent to having reached the Great Achievement Realm of a mystical body and is only a step away from the Qi Transformation Realm. If such a Grandmaster were to launch a disgraceful surprise attack, it would indeed be a threat to himself.

Therefore, it is urgent to refine the body.

How to refine the body? Consuming the Refining Spirit Fruit is the only way to step through the gateway of body refinement.

There are five levels in Body Refinement.

Mortal Body, Taoist Body, Spiritual Body, Immortal Body, Venerable Body!