Chapter 021 That's a Matter for Later

Ouyang Huihui's excitement was completely ignored by Ouyang Feifei, who remained elegantly reclined on the sofa, saying lazily, "He is a freshman at Yanjing University Medical School, in the same university as you."

"Hah, that's great," Ouyang Huihui couldn't contain her excitement, "I'll have plenty of chances to teach him a lesson in the future."

Ouyang Huihui was also a freshman at Yanjing University this year, majoring in International Finance, not in the same college as Luo Ziling.

"Grandfather was cured of his illness by his grandfather, and my illness was also treated by his grandfather; no matter what, the Luo Family has a life-saving grace towards our Ouyang Family. If it weren't for Grandfather Luo's help, Grandfather might have died a long time ago, and I wouldn't have had the chance to grow up," Ouyang Feifei said, as she stood up from the sofa and walked over to the full-length mirror to adjust her clothes.