Chapter 183 Unbelievable

A group of people gave up on taking a taxi and walked to the rather nice Western restaurant Cao Jianhui had mentioned for dinner.

Under Lin Lin's insistence, Cao Jianhui eventually had no choice but to accept the decision that both would cover half the cost of the dinner.

"Little Bro, you could use this opportunity to invite Miss Lin out for a meal alone, we won't be there to be your third wheel," Li Fuming whispered to Cao Jianhui when he saw him looking a little gloomy.

Upon hearing this, Cao Jianhui immediately brightened up and even gave Li Fuming a hearty slap on the shoulder as praise for his idea.

After dinner, the group prepared to return to the university.

As soon as they entered the campus, Luo Ziling's phone rang. He hesitated for a moment after seeing the number displayed, which was Ouyang Huihui's, but eventually walked aside to answer the call.