Chapter 211 Complaining

This evening, Luo Ziling did not sleep well, and neither did Yang Qingyin.

They did not chat on WeChat before going to bed as usual, but went back to sleep in their own dorms after returning to school, without sending each other any messages before they slept.

The next day, Lin Lan still came to pick up Luo Ziling from school at around eight o'clock, driving the military Humvee as before.

"Morning," Lin Lan said with a rare smile as she greeted Luo Ziling when she saw him.

"Morning," Luo Ziling replied with an ugly smile, greeted Lin Lan, and sat in the passenger seat without initiating any conversation with her.

This made Lin Lan feel odd, thinking he was angry about yesterday's incident, so she proactively explained, "Our squadron chief spoke very highly of you, she truly hopes that you could join us."

"I won't join you," Luo Ziling shook his head, "Even if I wanted to, it's not possible. Many people wouldn't allow me to do so."