Chapter 413 Trouble Brewing

(Eighth update, thanks to the Young Book Friend's 999 book coin reward)

It was Ouyang Huihui.

Having removed the makeup from her face and changed into a white dress, Ouyang Huihui's hair was casually draped behind her, as charming as she could possibly be. Holding a large bouquet of flowers, she quickly walked towards Luo Ziling.

"For you," Ouyang Huihui said, lifting the flowers in her arms and handing them to Luo Ziling. "Your martial arts performance was just fantastic. I had never imagined a martial arts demonstration could be so exciting, even better than the actions in fight films. Today, your performance has truly stunned everyone. Congratulations, you have to treat us now!"

Luo Ziling mechanically reached out to take the flowers that Ouyang Huihui handed to him, not anticipating that the woman would hug him after passing the flowers, then stand side by side with him, allowing the wildly shouting classmates below to take photos.