Chapter 892: You Never Considered Yourself a Woman Before

Luo Ziling returned to Yang Qingyin's place to find that Yang Qingyin was still asleep.

Seeing Yang Qingyin had been sleeping for nearly two hours without waking, Luo Ziling guessed that the girl must have had a rough night the evening before.

Why didn't she sleep well? Luo Ziling wanted to ask.

However, after Yang Qingyin woke up and checked her phone, she said she needed to go back home because her mom had sent her a message, instructing her to come home that night. Chen Qiaoyu also warned Yang Qingyin to prepare for a lecture from Yang Yunlin.

Yang Qingyin's mood, which had been quite good, turned a bit gloomy as she relayed this to Luo Ziling.

Luo Ziling could only comfort her and gave her a gentle hug.

After some warmth and affection, Yang Qingyin seemed encouraged and began to get up and dress herself.