I’m Not Sentimental (2)

How could someone so high and mighty know how to care for others?

The setting sun dyed the sky red and the lights flickered on.

An Ran walked toward the swimming pool, hugging herself. The night breeze lifted her long hair softly.

Ye Chengwei was holding a glass of red wine and resting on the side of the pool. He watched coolly as An Ran walked over.

Her eyes hid a bit of panic and her little face had the shyness of a girl. She pretended to be calm, but her steps were unsteady.

An hour ago, the moment he'd opened the door, a beam of light happened to hit An Ran's sleeping face as if embracing an infant that one loved unconditionally.

Seeing her sweet sleeping figure, Ye Chengwei felt an odd serenity. The anger from the earlier video conference scattered instantly.

It was the first time a girl made him feel so calm and relaxed. She was curled up on the bed like a tired kitten. One just felt the urge to hug and care for her.

But he didn't go hug her. He couldn't bear to disturb her sweetness. For the first time, he had a bit of a strange desire to spoil a girl.

That feeling comforted him.

He felt like he didn't need her to prove that she qualified as his lover. The unprecedented comfort that she gave him was enough.

In that instant, he'd already accepted her.

His little lover!

An Ran obviously didn't know what Ye Chengwei was thinking. Under his scrutiny, she walked timidly before him and stopped. Her lips moved but nothing came out.

She didn't know what to call him.

Ye Chengwei drank the rest of the red wine and placed the glass beside An Ran's feet. He looked at the tiny feet. Her bare ankles were as white as snow.

His heart jumped. He moved his hand, grasped, pulled, and An Ran fell into the water with a plop.

"Ah!" She sank quickly in the water and screamed.

But Ye Chengwei picked her up in time, pushing her against the side of the pool. He was so close to her. Their breaths hit each other's face.

He rested an arm over her head and lifted her chin with his other hand.

An Ran was forced to raise her head. She stared at his unrealistically beautiful face.

Ye Chengwei dipped his head down, getting closer to her face. An Ran's heart jumped weirdly. She clenched her fists tighter in the water; her nails were about to sink into her palm.

Was he going to kiss her?

Sleeping, she was like a baby. Awake, she was as pure as an angel.

Her clean eyes were completely unblemished. Ye Chengwei had never interacted with such a pure girl before. The ones who surrounded him were all socialites who'd been trained. They were all the same and had nothing special about them.

Their eyes were tainted with the mundane world, carrying vanity and materialistic thoughts. They only went for people who could help reach their goals. They tired him.

But right now, An Ran was like a pure white lotus blooming in his eyes.

Fresh and pure! She stimulated his interest as a predator.

His lips were less than an inch away from her. They could touch each other with a slight movement.

An Ran had never been so close to a man before. It felt like her heart was about to jump out of her chest. Eyes filled with nerves, she gulped subtly.

But Ye Chengwei's eyes didn't miss that tiny movement. He smiled faintly. Instead of the slight mockery from before, this had a bit of love.

He knew what she was nervous about, but he still asked, "Don't know how to swim, hm?"