A Comfortable Pillow (4)

He was angry about the meeting in the afternoon. Suddenly he thought about An Ran and felt warm and peaceful. And so he called Zhang to pick her up at school.

Seeing her in front of him helped him get rid of all troubles.

With her in arms, he could sleep well.

"You take a shower first." Ye Chengwei said to her the first thing he entered the room.

An Ran blushed and went to the bathroom in a haste. She didn't know what he would do to her, but such an order made her somewhat abashed.

An Ran didn't turn off the water until it felt like an era later. Her white and delicate skin had turned red.

She hugged herself and felt worried. She had forgotten to bring her robe because she was in a hurry.

What should I do? Should I go outside naked? Or...let the mighty and cold guy send it over?

She didn't dare to ask him.

An Ran slowly crouched down and blamed herself for her carelessness.

The water had stopped for a long time. Ye Chengwei put down his book and glanced at the robe on the bed, then he got it. That girl was too afraid to go out.

He stood up and picked up the robe. Then he went to the bathroom and opened the door.

"Ah." An Ran's lips parted with a cry of fear. She wrapped up herself tightly in the bath towel and gaped at Ye Chengwei just like a startled deer.

Ye Chengwei was at ease. He put on an invisible smile and showed more interest in her shyness. But he said nothing and just stretched his long arm to pass the robe to An Ran.

"Thank you." An Ran could hardly say it.

But before she could put it on, Ye Chengwei embraced her. His cologne was faint but very pleasant.

An Ran's heart was racing. 

He lifted her up in the arms and put her gently on the bed. An Ran clenched to the quilt out of instinct. Ye Chengwei kissed her passionately right after it. His breath was deep.

But he just kissed her.

"I have to finish my work. You go ahead and sleep." Then he left the bed.

An Ran was struck dumb. She always thought that Presidents like him were high and idle. They didn't have to work and could spend all day relaxing.

But now she could tell it wasn't true after she got in touch with a real President.

When she came to the villa last time, he was in a video meeting. And now he had to read papers at this late hour. He was busy with a myriad of affairs every day.

There was a small study annex to the bedroom. Ye Chengwei shut the door gently.

Dim lights came through the slight opening in the door panel.

An Ran looked at it and fell asleep before she realized it.

She didn't know when Ye Chengwei came to her bed. At midnight, she suddenly woke up and found herself in his arms. Next to her ears, he breathed steadily with good rhythms.

How sound he sleeps! 

It turns out that I am truly capable of bringing peace to him. A gentle smile spread over her face and she soon fell asleep again.

How warm his body is too!


Sunlight came through the french window. Sunshine was so pleasant on their faces.

An Ran woke up in Ye Chengwei's arms. He was still soundly asleep and was as happy as a baby. Satisfaction was all over his face.