Lamb in Lion’s Den (5)

He usually slept at the bar in case he would wake his family up when he came back at midnight.

An Ran grasped his arm and said, "Ah-ze, I have to work overtime tonight. You go home first."

"Which company needs to work overtime?"

"I'm new there and have to behave well." An Ran pushed An Ze. "You go home first and tell mom, in case she worries."

"Shall I pick you up later?"

"No, no." An Ran shook her head. If he came to pick her, he would discover it all.

"Alright, take care of yourself." An Ze showed An Ran his care, then he stopped a taxi and left.

After it disappeared, An Ran walked to the bus stop.

After a few months, I will pay off the debt, and everything would be ok then. An Ran thought to herself naively.

There were a few people showing up for work, among which there were a dozen new girls here for the first time. Some were even younger than her. But they all looked mature and quite used to smoking.

An Ran sat by herself, looking a little unfriendly. Soon she caught people rolling eyeballs at her. Someone said drily, "Pretend to be clean in a dye vat."

"I heard she just accompanies guests for drinks." The woman said tartly.

"She'll accompany whatever she has to in a while." Someone said flatly.

An Ran didn't say a word until their PR Manager Wena who was in charge of their training came to take a roll call and lecture them.

The Aim: Be cute, obedient and coquettish, money would flow to you.

Then everyone went to change their clothes and put on makeup.

An Ran's straight hair was blown into curly hair and fell on her back. To be honest, she was pretty and attractive.

Wena noticed the innocent An Ran among those cheesy women. She held her arms, looking at her back. She looked at her and said, "Have your hair permed and dyed tomorrow."

They didn't need white lotus [innocent women] here.

An Ran answered her order in a low voice.

After they were done with makeup, someone distributed them clothes, which were tight miniskirts with tube-tops. It was already cold, and An Ran felt colder at the sight of the miniskirts.

They had just changed their clothes when Zhao came in. He was the one who had loaned to An Ran this afternoon.

Wena greeted him and held his shoulders coquettishly. She put on an intimate look and spoke in a nauseating tone, which was very different from her former cold lecture.

"Are you here to look at the new girls?" Then she turned to the dozen girls and put on a grim face. "Say hi to Zhao quickly!"

"Hello," Some of them said it in the right way. They were apparently in the business before.

An Ran didn't call him, hiding in the crowd.

Zhao didn't say a word. He glanced over the girls with a peculiar view, then he stopped at An Ran. A light flashed in his eyes.

"Come here." He ordered her.

An Ran paused and walked to him.

Zhao pinched her jaw and squinted at her out of habit. He asked bluntly, "Are you complete?"

His Royal Nightclub had the prettiest girls in A City, but it was hard to find an untarnished girl. He was at a loss and then thought about having a look at the new girls and tried his luck.

An Ran flushed.

"You flushed…" Zhao sneered at her with great interest. "Probably haven't been touched."

An Ran didn't speak.

Zhao raised his voice. "If you are fresh, here's a 100,000 bucks deal for you. We can even things up after you do it."