I Like Good Girls (5)

"Thank you, CEO Zheng." Gao Enying smiled and drank all the red wine.

Zheng Yingyi hooked arms with Gu Cheng and went to toast the other excellent workers. Gu Cheng gently hugged her waist.

Gao Enying returned to her seat. Her smile faded and she took a subtle breath. Looking at the half of steak on her plate, she suddenly lost her appetite.

"Mom, are you uncomfortable? You look pale," An Ran saw her discomfort.

Gao Enying froze and touched her forehead with a faint smile. "I'm okay."

While speaking, she poured another glass of red wine and sipped slowly. She seemed to be deep in thought.

Suddenly, a piano sounded in the restaurant. The melody was Love in Hiroshima. Even though it was tinged with sadness, one had to admit that it was very lovely.

Or rather, the pianist included his own feelings into it.

"It's Gu Cheng playing. He sounds great."

"I heard before that he's talented. It seems to be true."

"He matches CEO Zheng well."

"He's so much older…"

"Since when does age matter?"

"But why this song? He should play something else if he wants to confess his love."

"Our CEO Zheng likes it. Don't you know that she loves this song?"

"I think this song is about love outside of marriage…"

"Who cares as long as it sounds nice? Plus, it's not like Gu Cheng is playing for us."

An Ran was listening attentively when Gao Enying suddenly grabbed her hand. "Ranran, Mom doesn't feel good suddenly. Let's go home."

An Ran saw that Gao Enying was indeed a bit pale.

Zheng Yingyi was sitting beside Gu Cheng, gazing lovingly at each other, so Gao Enying didn't go say goodbye. She had a colleague pass on the word and left the restaurant with An Ran.

She walked quickly, as if escaping.

"Mom, do you want to go to the hospital?" An Ran asked.

"No, I'll be fine after resting at home." Gao Enying smiled faintly.

An Ran could see that it was forced.

Gao Enying always tried to save money, but she broke the habit and hailed a cab home. She didn't talk to An Ran along the way. She just stared blankly at the neon lights outside the window. They formed beautiful images under the night sky.

After getting home, color returned to Gao Enying's face, but she still didn't feel like talking. An Ran had something to say though. It was the lie that Ye Chengwei had prepared for her.

"Mom, I found a job at East City Company."

"East City? That far?" Gao Enying's voice was soft and she seemed dazed.

"Yeah, so I… I'm moving to the company dorm tomorrow morning. I'll come back on weekends…" An Ran finished brokenly.

Gao Enying was usually sensitive, but she didn't notice anything amiss. Seeming tired, she gave a short reply and added, "Stay safe. I'm a bit tired. I want to rest in my room."

She went to her room before An Ran replied.

An Ran was surprised. She thought this would be troublesome, but Gao Enying didn't care at all. She felt like something was wrong with Gao Enying, but she couldn't pinpoint it.

The next day, Zhang brought An Ran to the villa. Her life as a caged bird started officially.

She saw Ye Chengwei's Lamborghini in the garage. That guy was actually here.

"Miss An," Zhang said politely to her. "Let me know if you want to go out. I will drive you."

"Thank you." An Ran smiled politely and went upstairs.