First Time Being Attentive to a Girl (2)

She shouldn't think about that, nor was she qualified to search for the answer .

She was just a comfortable pillow for him five years ago and now was the same.


It was a sunny morning.

Ye Chengwei's back shimmered with sweat.

An Ran felt weak all over and exhausted. She pulled the quilt and fell asleep. She didn't know when Ye Chengwei left.

When she woke up, it was almost ten o'clock. It was super quiet and dark in the room. The curtain had blocked sunlight. No wonder she had slept so well.

Did Ye Chengwei or Sister Rong pull the curtain for her so attentively?

Might be Ye Chengwei. An Ran smiled unconsciously while lying on her hand. Sister Rong had received enough training to know not to enter their room.

So it must be Ye Chengwei. An Ran felt happy at this thought.

In fact, he was quite considerate.

An Ran stayed in bed and stared at the splendid crystal light. After having a trance, she finally went up to wash her face and brush teeth.

Sister Rong appeared in her sight kindly as always. She said a "Good morning" to her and took her downstairs to the dinning hall.

She poured her a glass of hot milk and prepared bread for her.

"Would you like a fried egg?" Sister Rong asked with a smile.

"Yes, thank you." An Ran smiled at her. She liked Sister Rong. Although she always kept a professional smile, she could feel her kindness.

Sister Rong went to fry eggs. An Ran drank milk and suddenly felt upset.

What should she do after breakfast? She just realized that she would have nothing to do and felt at a loss.

Was this the life of a canary?

Sister Rong was good at cooking. The fried egg was tender. The yolk stayed on the egg white like jelly. It looked like a piece of art.

"It's so pretty. I don't want to ruin it." An Ran said.

Sister Rong chuckled. "Actually, Young Master can fry eggs better than me. You must have the chance to taste it one day, Miss An."

That man could cook? What a surprising discovery! She thought he was the kind of person who never cooked.

You can't really tell people from their appearances! He finally shows behaviors like a normal person.

"Would you like to go out, Miss An?" Sister Rong asked again.

Where? An Ran didn't like hanging around or strolling blindly. She said lightly, "I'll just walk around the estate."

Sister Rong said, "If you don't like shopping, you can take some training classes to kill time, Miss An."

She noticed An Ran's loneliness.

"Training classes?"

"I have some materials and I can show you." Then Sister Rong left the dining hall.

Soon she brought a few materials to An Ran.

There was a class for arranging flowers, aerobic exercises in the gym, violin, piano and other artistic sessions. An Ran didn't like any of them.

The last one was a dancing class. An Ran read it carefully.

Sister Rong saw it and said, "You like dancing, Miss An."