Marrying a Stranger? Really?

Miss He's complexion was drawing close to a retort but under the unrelenting glare of Qiao Yanli's knife-like stare, she could not bring herself to say anything. The man was just… overwhelming, and scary. 

Stressed out and nervous, she gulped visibly and got up from her seat a second later. Without saying anything, she left the restaurant. 

When only the two were left, Chu Muzhi smirked. 

"I have to apologize on behalf of my other friend who introduced this lady to me!" 

He extended his long slender arm and patted Qiao Yanli's shoulder, offering a consoling smile. 

"Next time, this good Third Brother will help find Second Brother a girl that will surely meet all the criteria! Cheer up! Come, let's eat! I'm famished!" 

Qiao Yanli was not bothered by the charade from before nor Chu Muzhi's apologetic speech. He tipped his head upward, turning his gaze toward the pianist at the far corner of the restaurant, and watched. 

Today, she was wearing a pale-green evening gown. Her skin was fair and smooth, like that of a peeled hard-boiled egg; white and flawless. Her makeup was but only a touch, enhancing only what was already a perfect, young look. Given a few years, she would mature to become the finest young lady he had ever met. 

Qiao Yanli was a V.I.P customer of this restaurant and every time he came to dine, he would see the girl playing the piano. Her skill with the grand piano was superb. No one could replicate such a skill without first having tens of years of training and practice. 

Chu Muzhi was busy ordering his entree when he asked for Qiao Yanli's meal of the night, and caught him staring at the pianist. 


Chu Muzhi narrowed his gaze. The pianist… looked familiar. After a few seconds and with a smack to his forehead, he said, "I remember now! Isn't she the one with the brawny attitude, the girl who rejected your proposal after you have had it with her the other night?" 

Qiao Yanli kept quiet. His eyes were locked on and never once drifted away from the pianist. The look on her face, the focus, and skillfulness of her nimble fingers dancing across the floor of whites and blacks… Qiao Yanli's lips moved slightly as he said, "What do you think of her?" 

"She's gorgeous! Definitely full marks in both looks and body. Her personality however… mhmm… it's not the sweet and obedient kind that you like." 

Qiao Yanli turned and looked Chu Muzhi in the eye. With his mouth slightly opened, he said, "One might have a change of heart." 


Qiao Yanli and Chu Muzhi's table was not too far from the grand piano. It was because of their striking personality and appearance that everyone, including Xia Yanxi, noticed their presence. She heard every word of the conversation between Miss He and the two of them. 

For some time, she had been vigilant in finding herself a suitable partner to be wedded to. She had properly explained her plans to them, saying that the marriage would be a fake one. After she had gotten what she was owed, the marriage would end promptly. 

None had agreed. 

That being said, she understood their decision. In this modern age, without feelings or benefits, no one would be willing to carry a permanent title of having been married and divorced with them. 

But Xia Yanxi really wanted those shares! 

Seeing the man whom she had shared a night with, coming into the restaurant, Xia Yanxi could not help but feel nervous. 

Would she be willing to be married to a stranger? Just for the sake of shares? 

The information about the man was limited to only the conversation they had with Miss He. He was but an assistant CEO in a certain Qiao Group. 

Then again, she cared not for his wealth or his background. The billion-dollar question would be, whether he would be willing to ask for her hand in marriage, again!

When Qiao Yanli and Chu Muzhi were done with their dinner and left the restaurant, Xia Yanxi took her leave and requested for a short break from performing. Nervous and uncertain, she followed the two into the parking lot. Before she could even craft a speech, the two got into the car. 

As the familiar black Bentley slowly rolled by, Xia Yanxi, with an unknown source of courage surging from within her, dashed to the middle of the road, with her hands extended out to stop the car.