The Husband is More Attractive Than Any Young Man

Morning was far from nigh as Qiao Yanli came from the studies and into the master bedroom. He walked as per usual and even so, it was without a sound. He stood next to Xia Yanxi, looking at her sleeping away without a worry in the world. He smiled, seeing as how the girl was completely vulnerable, clutching the pillow tightly, planting her face onto the embrace of the encased feathers. 

He leaned over, gently pulling the blanket from her lower waist to cover her snugly. 

Just then, still dreamy, Xia Yanxi opened her eyes. Seeing the tall handsome man hovering over her, she smiled, with genuine happiness, and said, "You're back, Wenxuan… Yanxi missed you so much." 

It was but a hazy whisper, a faint recollection, a dream even… but the name she spoke of was clearly another man's and it felt like a shout despite being an inaudible mummur. Solemnly, the man left the master bedroom. 


When the sun was midway above their heads, Xia Yanxi gathered her important documents. She had them all with her since she did not want to return to the wretched place.

When she was getting ready for the day, she found a set of female attire by the side of the bed, placed neatly on the nightstand. It was a perfect fit. The color and design were to her liking. 

She stood there as she wondered how Qiao Yanli could have that side to him. 

Dressed and groomed, she went to the living room. Qiao Yanli was already there, reading a newspaper on the sofa. 

He was dressed in a long-sleeved shirt and a pair of black slacks; the perfect combination and a popular choice for most men, a clean-cut appearance that was further enhanced by the creaseless material used to make them. His stature and well-defined body were magnified further by the outfit. He was a natural born model. A man that could look good in any type of clothes. 

Unlike his, her footsteps were clear and distinctive. He turned to see the beautiful young woman, dressed in the outfit he had procured for her. He folded the newspaper and placed it down on the coffee table before standing up. 

"Breakfast is ready." 

He was back; the same man that exuded nothing but poised elegance. It felt as if something was misplaced, as if the events that had happened last night never happened. 

On the contrary, Xia Yanxi felt better this way. He, minding his own business and she, hers. The two only needed to respect each other, never interfering with one another. 

Breakfast was western cuisine of muffins, milk, english sausages, and so on. It was rather lavish. 

Intrigued, she asked, "Did you make these?" 

Qiao Yanli's eyes locked onto hers as he drank a sip of milk. 

"No. I have hired men for that." 

"I see." 

He was a man with only a few words and if she kept things to herself, he would too. The two ate breakfast at their own pace, quietly, making no sound but the sound of chewing. 

She was impressed. His table manners and his eating behavior were truly refined. He was not even making any sound as he chewed his food. Nothing but the movement of his chiselled jaw. It was as if she was observing a royal family member having breakfast. 

"Can you not stare at me while I'm eating? Unless, looking at my face alone would suffice as sustenance," said the man after he finally had enough of her staring at his face the entire time. 

He broke the silence and the girl choked a little, her face reddened slightly for being caught red-handed. 

"I don't think… It's just… You shouldn't be an assistant CEO." 

Qiao Yanli stopped moving his hands and placed the cutleries he was using neatly beside the plate. He arched an eyebrow, and his lips formed the trademark indiscernible smile, asking, "In that case, what you do think I should do?" 

"I think you'll be popular if you're an actor!" 

With his looks and his demeanor, he would definitely be more successful than any other youngsters with good looks. One thing was for sure, he had the looks and quality for it! The best kind there was even. 

Qiao Yanli's smile arched higher, even more prominent than before. Appearing as if he was taking the suggestion seriously, he said, "The entertainment industry is but a shark tank. One without any background or connection would find it hard to rise to popularity. With looks and quality alone… Sigh… Do you want your husband to be thrown into the pits of hell just to let agencies after agencies put him to trial over and over again?" 

Xia Yanxi's eyes widened in disbelief! What followed was a chuckle. The atmosphere in the dining room was lifted and became relaxed. 

Who would have thought he had a sense of humor in him! 

The chuckle subsided to a smile and it remained that way for the entire breakfast session. Qiao Yanli could not help it, seeing as how his lovely wife-to-be was smiling vibrantly, his ever-so sharp and focused expression softened greatly.