The Dominant One

Whistles and cheers overwhelmed the establishment as the song ended and the dance performance came to an end. Ignoring the plea for encore, Xia Yanxi left the stage, leaving only a cold, condescending-like glare at the men who were begging shamelessly. 

Back in the changing room, Xia Yanxi removed her mask and discarded it quickly. She was tired, and just when she was about to undress, the door of the room flung open. The loud banging of the door startled her. What came in was even more frightening. Bai Wenxuan, with eyes as cold as ice fixed in the socket of a face that was livid. 

He turned about, shutting the door hard before stomping toward Xia Yanxi. The room was small, only wide enough to fit thin and slender people. Xia Yanxi's eyes locked onto his. For a moment there, she wanted to say something but decided otherwise. The man was not saying anything either, only his eyes… his eyes were telling her that he was there to rip her apart. She tried to walk past him to the next room. As she breezed past him, he grabbed her hands, holding them tight with a vice-like grip. 

He was strong. So strong was his grip it felt like he could dislocate her shoulder simply by tugging her arms. Of course she tried to struggle to free herself, but no matter how hard she tried, she could never overpower the man. 

Her disappointment for the man could not be described with words alone. Ever since the day he had slapped her for the sake of protecting Huo Shiyu, Xia Yanxi had decided never to forgive him. 

"Let go!" Xia Yanxi bellowed as she glared at the man. 

The vice-like grip only tightened further. He would never let her go. His eyes, flaring with anger, slowly traced down her hourglass-shaped body. To say she had the perfect golden ratio was justified. Her breast, her waist and her buttocks were of perfect shape. Her abdomen was not the muscular type but one could still see the honed lines that were formed on her pelvic to her bellybutton. Her skin was so fair and smooth, no difference from that of whte satin sheet. He then realized what he had been missing despite having dated her for five years. The girl possessed such a sinful body and she had never once let him touch her. Ahh… But that was all an act. She was like a nun; pure and conversative when she was with him, yet she could sleep with another man. To think that she would resort to this kind of establishment to sell herself as a pole dancer!

A vixen! A soul-sucking vixen, she was! She would be the perfect vixen, seeing as how she was this sexy! 

The thought of her betrayal rose in him like bile. His emotions were mixed in turmoil. His face, clouded with mixed feelings, inched closer to her as he pulled her stronger into his embrace. 

Xia Yanxi was not held the way she had expected. It was not the hug of a loving one but that of a man that cared only to possess her. She slid her hands in, pushing herself away from the man, making sure that she was not touching him. 

The smell of the man's cologne, mixed with alcohol, assaulted her senses. Compared to the smell of tobacco, she thought she could accept the smell of cologne and alcohol, instead, it felt repulsive and sickening. 

The image of the man that dominated her once came to her mind. He was different. Although proud and cold, sometimes even conceited, he was elegant by nature. He was without any artificial musk. No. The smell he carried with him was genuine, albeit mixed with a faint smell of tobacco, her husband carried the true fragrance of a man. 

Just as her mind drifted away, Bai Wenxuan grabbed her jaw tightly. His face was coming in fast. Instinctively, she turned her head quickly and forcefully. His kiss landed on the side of her head, on her hair. 

Bai Wenxuan saw the unmistakable look in her eyes. It was of pure contempt and utter disappointment. 

Back in the days when both of them were madly in love, her eyes reflected nothing but longing and love. Everytime she looked at him that way, he would be so happy, as happy as the happiest man in the world. 

How did she end up in the extreme end? She was once his woman, his most cared for person in the whole world. Why did she betray him? What could have gone through her mind? How could she come to this filthy establishment to sell herself out like some cheap...

"How much do you want?! Tell me! I'll give you anything! Don't sell yourself out like this ever again! We might be over but you and I were once lovers! I can never see you dragging yourself this low!" 

'Selling myself? Dragging myself low?'

Was that how he saw her then? Did he really think she would ever sell herself? 

What a man! To think that she had once called him her one and only love. This man was becoming more and more like a stranger, an alien.