So Embarrassing

Xia Yanxi spent her days visiting her brother in the hospital before heading to class, and at night she would return to the apartment. It had been almost half a month, and Qiao Yanli had never once appeared. 

Not even Aunt Zhang, the help he hired, knew about his whereabouts. The money she had "won" that night in Red Rose was enough for her to cover her brother's medical cost and her daily expenditure. She wanted to have a nice meal with her husband but after spending so many nights alone in the apartment, she realized that she had not even acquired his phone number. 

Besides the paper that legally bound her to Qiao Yanli as husband and wife, she literally knew nothing about the man. 

As she tried to think of a way to contact her own husband, her mind drifted to the night in the bathroom when he barged in and kissed her passionately. 

She remembered his manly presence, his supple, hot lips pressing against hers, his overbearing presence of a man that was forceful albeit welcoming, his powerful arms that were wrapped around her felt as if he was seizing her very soul. And when they were plastered together tightly, the only thing that was separating them was their clothes that were rubbing against each other, electrifying her being. 

"Yanxi, are you alright? Are you thinking about something? Or are you having a fever?" Xu Lingwei said when she noticed that Xia Yanxi had been staring into the horizon for a good whole minute. When Xia Yanxi came to, she quickly pressed the back of her hand to her forehead. 

"I'm sorry… I'm fine. Nothing is going on in my mind. I blanked out for a second there…" 

What on Earth was she thinking? It was a kiss… A passionate kiss… 

It was just a kiss and she was already blushing madly over it! 

Then again, it was the first time she had ever truly kissed someone. Her first kiss from a man whom she barely knew… The way his tongue playfully writhed against hers… Like a searing piece of metal, burning her very soul… 

Her heart started beating faster once again when the memory of that night resurfaced. 

"Yanxi, hear me out. I heard that the organizing committee of "Thirst for Love" is coming to school to pick out potential actors and actresses."

Xia Yanxi was learning the art of acting and it was natural for her to know about the entertainment social circle. Hearing that, Xia Yanxi brightened up with a smile.

"Is Hou Dao directing it?"

Hou Dao was a famous director in the industry and was known to take good care of greenhorns. He had directed many movies, and the actors and actresses were selected from the very same school Xia Yanxi was enrolled in. 

Sadly, the fire died down and it had been several years since his last movie was released. Nevertheless, he was still known to be fair in his choice of actors. Xia Yanxi loved acting. She did not care for fame or money. Even if she were given a part to be a side-character, she would put her everything into the act. 

"That's right! It is Hou Dao! I heard that they will be choosing an actress from our school! Yanxi, you're one of our very best. I'm sure you'll have a chance to star in that movie!" 

After lunch, Xu Lingwei took Xia Yanxi to apply for the casting audition for the movie "Thirst for Love". Both of them went through the procedures, did a preliminary audition, and acquired a ballot number. After the entire ordeal was done, they left the school grounds. 

"Yanxi, mom told me… you're already married?" Xu Lingwei asked. It was surprising news for her since she knew how much the two loved each other. Naturally, it was incredibly surprising to know that the two had gone their separate ways, and that she had even gotten married to someone else. 

Xia Yanxi nodded. Her face did not exhibit any visible changes. She merely smiled and said, "That's right. I'll introduce my husband to you some time soon." 

"Oh my… You've only just gotten married and you're already calling him "the husband". It seems that the two of you are ehem, ehem, ehem…" Xu Lingwei playfully teased. 

Xia Yanxi nudged her shoulder and retorted, "You little minx. Don't read too much into it!" 

The two girls laughed as they left the school, while someone had been following them from behind, watching their every move. 

Bai Wenxuan was still in the school grounds when Xia Yanxi left. The voice of her laughter rang beautifully like a silver bell. His assistant, Luo Hua, came in slowly and carefully, as he noticed the weary eyes that were on the verge of tearing up. 

"Mr. Bai. will you be one of the judges for the audition for "Thirst for Love"?" 

Bai Wenxuan knew Xia Yanxi well enough to know that she loved acting. He had no interest in investing in the entertainment industry, he only did it to become an important figure just to be closer to her. 

"Of course. Also, please contact the director for Ren Ai Hospital. Tell him that I wish to invite him for dinner." 

Luo Hua knew the reason behind his actions. Intrigued, he asked, "Mr. Bai, if you do that, wouldn't it only make Miss Xia grow more wary of you?" 

"When she's out of options, she will come back to me." 

Huo Shiyu had informed him about Xia Yanxi's husband. She speculated that the man was likely a high-profile gigolo, and even Bai Wenxuan shared the same hypothesis. It was unlikely that anyone in the high society would want to marry her.