The Adonis of Husbands

Xia Yanxi and Xu Lingwei went up to the third floor, and before they could return to their own dorm, they saw the entire third floor jam-packed with other female students, cramming their way through a crowd tighter than a pack of sardines. 

"Huh? Isn't that our dorm? Why are they standing there?" Xu Lingwei asked. 

Xia Yanxi had a bad feeling about this. She quickly grabbed hold of Lingwei's hand, and they squeezed their way through the crowd. 

"Let's check it out then!" 

She did her best to squeeze her way through, and was rewarded with sneers from her fellow dorm mates. Curiously, she peeked into her own dorm and found the silhouette of a man, that exuded an impressive elegance all over the hostel, sitting on her little goldilocks of a bed. He was talking on the phone, with his back facing the door where countless pairs of eyes were locked on him. His voice, deep and husky, spoke clearly so as to drown out the whispers of the spectators outside. 

Xia Yanxi could not believe what she was seeing. Her heart sank before it skipped a beat as Qiao Yanli had appeared in her own school dormitory.

Like an esper, the man turned around at the same moment when Xia Yanxi's heart was fluttering. His dark irises were locked onto Xia Yanxi's. After one last sentence on the phone, he hung up before shooting to his feet and started pacing toward the door. 

His towering structure, over a hundred and eighty eight centimetres tall, was adorned with a black western two-button suit, resting gently on the white undershirt. His lower half was covered with a standard, plain-cut design, casual slacks. He was without a necktie; an unorthodox style that she had never seen him in. The front of his shirt was unbuttoned, revealing only a bit of his chest, granting the world a peek at his chiseled-like clavicle. That was just his body, his face was on a whole other level. His face was perfectly symmetrical, a feature that was rarely seen in others. His eyes, narrowed and focused, granted him a distinctive look like that of a spartan warrior. When he came closer and stood in front of Xia Yanxi, she could hear a deep sigh; a typical response when a girl was completely infatuated. 

She could not deny that her husband was that of the Adonis of all husbands. 

Seeing as how his wife was just standing there, mouth agape, he arched an eyebrow and with a low register, he said, "It's only been two weeks. Have you forgotten how I look? Shall we take this conversation into the room?" 

His eyes narrowed again, but this time it was caused by the indiscernible smile, the kind that would take a woman's breath away. 

Xia Yanxi, under her breath, muttered inaudibly, "what a homme fatale!" 

"Y-Y-Yanxi? Who's that handsome man! My god... He's so much more handsome than any other superstar out there! He's so manly!" 

As soon as he spoke, the female students in the hall had started to cluck about like hens in a coop. Xia Yanxi dragged Xu Lingwei quickly into her room and shut the door as fast as she could. 

Once she had calmed down, she wanted to properly introduce Xu Lingwei to her husband. However, before she could, the poor girl had fallen for the man's enticing spell of infatuation. Like the girls outside, her eyes were locked onto the man. Her face was slowly reddening and if this were a comic book, the author would have drawn sparkly bubbles around her, to indicate how infatuated she was. 

Xia Yanxi could not help but chuckle at her reaction. She nudged her shoulders playfully and said, "Don't drool onto the carpet!" 

Xu Lingwei came to with her words, and when she realized what she had been doing, she turned to her and whined. 

"Ahh! You meanie!" 

Xia Yanxi brought the girl closer to her husband. His towering structure was so tall that both girls only managed to reach his chest. From where he stood, he had to crane his neck by a certain degree before they fell into his line of sight. 

"Yanli, this is my friend who I've known for a long time, Xu Lingwei. Lingwei, this is my husband, Qiao Yanli." 

Xu Lingwei nervously stretched out her hand. Halfway through, she noticed her sweaty palms. She quickly retracted her hand and wiped it on her dress before reaching out again for a handshake. 

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Qiao." 

Qiao Yanli took her hand and shook it one time before releasing it promptly. His sight was forever glued to Xia Yanxi, as if no other woman could interest him. 

Xia Yanxi giggled at her friend's reaction but when she noticed the passionate look of longing coming from her husband, her heart started to beat faster than a metronome clocking at the default speed for the piece "Flight of the Bumblebee".

The man could at least tone it down a little when she was with her friend! That hot passionate look in his eyes seemed to mean that he was going to eat her whole in front of her friend! 

"Why are you here?" she asked. The man should not be in the room, much less the female-only hostel. Did the manager lady in the front desk let him through? 

Qiao Yanli smiled again. 

"I really missed my wife."