Chapter 002: You're so good-looking, come here, let me give you a kiss

She pounced like a cat, kissing the man's lips, chin, face, her eyes misty, and she murmured, "Xigu, you're back... I knew you wouldn't throw me away."

Mo Shiqian pulled her off his body, carried her aside, and said with a clear and steady voice, "Miss, I'm not Mou Xigu."

Chi Huan couldn't listen to his words at that moment.

All she felt was heat, intense heat; only by getting close to the man's body did she find some relief.

Her mind clouded, she lunged at him again, embracing him, and with a voice tinged with a sob, she said, "Don't go, don't leave... Xigu, I won't let you go."

Mo Shiqian dodged her kisses, but she was relentless, and so he was kissed a few times regardless.

Holding one hand against her to prevent her advances, and with the other, he calmly took out his phone and dialed a number, "If that medicine is taken without having sex with a man, how do you remedy it?"



"Take her to the hospital?"

The voice on the other end chuckled sleazily, "Mo bro, you're not all bark and no bite, are you? If you've already drugged her, why bother with anything else, just go for it!"


"Could it be the chick is too ugly for you to stomach? It's all the same when the lights are out; just make do with it."

Mo Shiqian looked down at the petite woman wriggling in his arms, her face the size of a palm, eyes dewy with tears, soft red lips planting kisses on his face, on his chin.

She kept trying to kiss his lips too.

His Adam's apple moved up and down, and he frowned, his voice dark, "You going to give me any more nonsense?"

"...Well, taking her to the hospital won't help. If you really can't go through with it, just put her in a bathtub of cold water, hold her down in there—it'll be pretty uncomfortable, but once the drug wears off, she'll be fine."

With a beep, the phone call ended, and he casually threw the phone onto the carpet.

The man scooped Chi Huan up from the floor in one arm and strode towards the bathroom.

Chi Huan, with her eyes clear and filled with water, wrapped her arms around his neck, targeting the area around his ear to plant kisses, and even blew a breath into his ear, teasingly innocent yet seductive, "You're so strong to carry me princess-style; I like that. You must be quite valiant in bed as well."

Mo Shiqian, "..."

He closed his eyes, his Adam's apple moving several times as he forcefully suppressed the heat rising slowly from his lower abdomen.

Without a word, he tried to put her into the bathtub to run the water, but Chi Huan held onto his neck, unwilling to let go. As he tried to forcefully pry her off, she protested, "I want a hug."

Mo Shiqian had no choice but to free one hand to turn the tap.

By the time the bathtub was filled with cold water, there were several fresh red kiss marks on the collarbone under his black shirt.

He looked down at the woman who was fervently kissing his chest, her soft lips leaving prints on his skin, the occasional brush of her wet tongue sending a series of electric shocks through him.

His eyes darkened, and his breathing became somewhat erratic.

But there was not a hint of hesitation on his handsome and cold face; he straightforwardly peeled her off his body and threw her into the cold water of the tub.


With the icy water piercing to the bone, Chi Huan screamed out loud.

It was not the dead of winter yet, but it was deep autumn, and especially since this hotel was underwater, the temperature was already much lower than on land, plus it was night, causing the delicately nurtured body of the young woman to tremble with cold immediately.

Chi Huan's consciousness was muddled, feeling only the cold, wanting to climb out.

As soon as her hands touched the edge of the tub, they were pressed back down by the man.

This happened several times: each time she tried to emerge, a ruthless hand would press her down, leaving only her head above water.

This was a torment of fire and ice, and it was exactly what she was experiencing now.

Her body was filled with an endless dry heat that left her feeling empty, while at the same time, she felt like she was submerged in cold water so chillingly desperate. Along with that, there was that incessant hand that pressed her back down every time she thought about leaving.

Apart from falling for Mou Xigu, she had never felt so tormented, agitated, and powerless in her life.

She was Chi Huan, a proud daughter of the heavens who had always been called the young miss from birth.

Her father was the mayor, and her mother was a well-known businesswoman overseas.

She debuted at fourteen, gained fame at seventeen, and at nineteen, she won the award for Best Newcomer. Now she was the most sought-after young actress in the entertainment industry.

Those with better acting skills weren't as beautiful as she, those more beautiful didn't have her acting skills, and those who were both more beautiful and skilled didn't have her connections.


It was not until 2 a.m. that her consciousness cleared a bit, and she could see that the man beside her was her personal bodyguard.

She lay on the edge of the bathtub, weak and listless, "Mo Shiqian."

The man knelt on one knee on the bathroom floor, his black trousers soaked halfway through.

He responded with respectful distance, "Young miss."

"I'm so cold, take me out."

Mo Shiqian looked at her drenched little face and asked indifferently, "Are you alright now?"

Chi Huan urged discontentedly, "Hurry up and take me out."


The man stood up, then bent over and, disregarding her completely soaked clothes, picked her up from the bathtub, ready to head out.

She brought her face close to his, her eyes wide open, "Mo Shiqian."

"I'll send someone to bring you a set of dry clothes later." Her eyelashes were wet, lacking the usual arrogance and seductiveness; instead, there was something about her that seemed pitifully girlish, "How long have you been with our family?"

The man replied simply, "Three years."

She tilted her head, "Do you think I'm pretty?"

He looked at her face for a while, "Beautiful."

Her hand slowly climbed up the man's distinctly handsome face while she blinked and said, "Three years, huh? How come I've never noticed before, just how handsome you really are... Better looking than all those pretty boys in the entertainment industry, even... not inferior to Xigu."

This man's handsomeness was not like Mou Xigu's gentle charm, but a silent and resolute kind of masculine attractiveness.

The air was thick with the scent of hormones.

Mo Shiqian silently watched her.

Chi Huan pouted her red lips, murmuring, "You're so good-looking, come on, let me give you a kiss."

There was a "splash."

She was thrown back into the water once more.


At four in the morning, after soaking in cold water for a full eight hours, Chi Huan was finally free from the effects of the drug, her mind restored to complete clarity.

She sat on the bed wrapped in a bath towel, letting the man who stood beside the bed, quiet and indifferent, silently dry her soaking wet hair.

Biting her lip, Chi Huan coldly said, "Mo Shiqian, you've got quite the nerve, who allowed you to soak me in cold water?"

The man's expression didn't change, nor did the rhythm of his hair-drying falter as he replied in a deep and steady voice, "I thought, compared with sacrificing your virtue to a mere bodyguard, the young miss would prefer being soaked in cold water."

Chi Huan gnashed her teeth, and for a moment, she could find no words to retort.