Chapter 004: I Like You, So I Enjoy Looking at You

The grip on her wrist suddenly tightened, and Chi Huan almost cried out in pain.

Mou Xigu asked coldly from the side, "Chi Huan, what do you mean?"

She closed her eyes and bore the pain without making a sound, lifting her face with a smile while pleading innocently and aggrievedly, "I was reminding Miss Su that if her husband hits her again, she should call the police. Does she have to let her husband keep doing this to her?"

Mou Xigu frowned at her, his eyes filled with a complex expression.

Su Yabing's hands twisted together again, and she looked down, murmuring softly, "Miss Chi is right, I'm useless... Because he once funded my father's treatment, I just can't bring myself to call the police and have him arrested."

Chi Huan stared at her, "So what do you plan to do? Just let it keep happening, let him hit you with no thoughts of divorce?"

"I..." She looked up quickly at Mou Xigu and showed a bitter smile, "I'm thinking of going back to China, and I've also considered getting a divorce."

Chi Huan drew out her words, letting out a long "Oh."

Why did she get the impression that it was because of Mou Xigu that she was considering a divorce and returning to China?

Chi Huan showed no reaction on her face, just smiled faintly, "If Miss Su needs a lawyer for the divorce, you can come to me. I know quite a few talented people in that field in Lancheng. I can definitely help you fight for the greatest benefit."

Su Yabing showed her a slight smile, "Okay, thank you Miss Chi."

Only then did Chi Huan leave side by side with Mou Xigu.

Su Yabing stood still, watching their harmonious and matching figures fade away, her face filled with lonely and sad desolation as tears fell unknowingly.


Mou Xigu took her to a Western restaurant.

Because she was a big star, Mou Xigu specifically chose a secluded and private spot.

After Chi Huan ordered, she handed the menu to the server, then propped her cheek and gazed unblinkingly at the man across from her.

Mou Xigu was slower, and after he finished ordering, he noticed her staring and asked with an amused tone, "Why are you looking at me like that, is there something you want to talk about?"

Chi Huan was only in her twenties, the age where her face was full of collagen, with rosy lips and white teeth. She looked at him unblinkingly and joyfully said, "I like you, so I enjoy watching you."

Her smile was very pure, without any shadows.

Family alliance, he chose her, not just for her family background and her love for him, but also because being with her felt very relaxed.

But at this moment, thinking of another face, just as young but seemingly withered away, his heart couldn't help but ache unbearably.

There was a time when she, like Chi Huan, smiled freely and unfettered.

But now, that gentle and vivacious Su Yabing, seemed as if she had withered away too soon.

Chi Huan gazed, stunned, at him as he was lost in thought looking at her.

As long as a woman doesn't deceive herself, she can be very sharp.

For instance, at this moment, Chi Huan had already realized that although he was looking at her, his thoughts were not on her.

She lifted her wine glass and slowly sipped with her eyes closed.

Only after the rich taste of the wine had soaked every corner inside her mouth did she set the glass down, her radiant face blossoming into a sweet smile, "Xigu, my friends have been clamoring to meet you. Are you free tonight? Would you accompany me to hang out with them, is that okay?"

Mou Xigu also lifted his glass and drank a few sips.

After a while, he said lightly, "Next time, I already have plans for tonight."

Chi Huan's face, full of anticipation, fell suddenly.

Mou Xigu saw her dispirited little face, his brow furrowed slightly, but he still did not speak.

After the meal, Mou Xigu went to fetch the car.

Chi Huan stood waiting at the entrance, and soon her phone in her handbag rang.

"Huanhuan, everyone is at 1999. Hurry up and come over."

"1999" is a members-only bar in Lancheng, also a haven for a bunch of fairies they hung out with; any gathering or event, and they would flock there.

Chi Huan asked lazily, "Is there any fun?"

"Just hanging out. How long has it been since you last came out? What, have you started playing the role of a virtuous housewife in advance?"

Chi Huan curled a finger through her hair and smiled smugly with her lips pursed, "Well, I've finally won over a handsome man; how could I have time to bother with you guys?"

"Pfft, such conduct. Are you coming or not?"

"Alright, since you guys miss me so much, I'll graciously lower myself to come over; wait for me."

The other side cursed and laughed a few more times before ending the call. Chi Huan put her phone back in her purse and looked up to see Mou Xigu's car. She quickened her pace towards it, but instead of getting into the passenger seat, she knocked on the driver's side window.

The black glass slowly rolled down, revealing the man's handsome and gentle face.

"My friends just invited me to a gathering. I'll take a taxi over."

"Where is it?"


"Get in. I'll take you."

Chi Huan didn't refuse and smiled sweetly, the corners of her eyes lifting, "Okay."

She walked around to the front of the car, pulled open the passenger door, and bent down to get in.

As the car came to a crossroads, it stopped at a red light amidst the traffic.

Mou Xigu's parked phone vibrated.

He reached out, answered the call, and asked indifferently, "What's the matter?"

"Mr. Mou... A man claiming to be Miss Su's husband is causing a commotion in the hospital, insisting on taking Miss Su away."

The man's brows furrowed, and his voice turned colder, "Have security throw him out, and don't let him anywhere near the ward."

"But... but, sir, he's threatening to take this matter to the news if we stop him... he said... said..."

Mou Xigu grew impatient, his voice becoming harsh, "Said what?"

"Said Miss Chi's fiancé is involved with a married woman..."

He glanced sideways subconsciously at Chi Huan sitting in the passenger seat.

Chi Huan was a famous star at the peak of popularity; even a small rumor linked to her could set paparazzi media abuzz, let alone if it was about her fiancé's involvement with another woman...

Yabing's fans would spit on her until she drowned.

"Hold him off. I'm on my way."

On hearing this, Chi Huan was stunned.

She naturally realized that the call was related to Su Yabing.

Mou Xigu hung up and put the phone back.

After a moment, he spoke with suppressed voice, "Sorry, I've got an emergency to handle. You'll have to take a taxi by yourself this time."

Chi Huan looked at him and tugged at her lips, "In the future, if she's in trouble, are you going to leave me behind like you did last night and now?"

"I've already said it in the ward. Before the wedding, I will take care of this matter,"

The man spoke calmly, but with a slight shift in his tone, he added softly, "But Chi Huan, don't forget what else I said when I agreed to marry you."

What else he said when he agreed to marry her.

Chi Huan stood by the roadside, cars passing by. She clenched the bag in her hand tighter and tighter.