Chapter 016: But found that Mou Xigu's eyes were fixed motionlessly on Chi Huan's face.

Chi Huan hadn't answered yet when her phone in her bag started to vibrate.

She reached out and took the phone out, her screen hesitated slightly, the contact name read: "Xigu's Mom."

Chi Huan didn't hesitate to answer the call, her voice becoming sweeter, "Auntie Mou."

"Huanhuan, are you free tonight?"

"Is something the matter, Auntie Mou?"

"Nothing much, I just suddenly felt like cooking today, and if you don't have plans tonight, how about coming over for a simple meal with your auntie?"

Although she couldn't say she understood Xigu's mother well, she knew she was a woman who appeared gentle but was actually very manipulative. If she was calling at this time, it was most likely because of Su Yabing's issue.

Chi Huan smiled in response, "I'm free, I'll come over right away."

By the time she hung up, Mo Shiqian had already turned the steering wheel, redirecting the car.

As Chi Huan put away her phone, she said, "Let's stop by the mall on the way, I want to bring a gift."