Chapter 019: The Temptation... An Unexplainable Impulse

Because they were so close, his breath sprayed onto her skin, tickling Chi Huan so much that she subconsciously wanted to retreat, but her chin was fixed by the man's hand, making it impossible to move.

"Don't move."

The tissue box was placed between them; Mo Shiqian supported her chin with one hand while wiping the stains on her face with a paper tissue in the other hand, although some had already smeared onto his clothes.

Chi Huan complied and stayed still.

The tissues in the luxurious Pagani were naturally the finest, soft and fragrance-free. In fact, she couldn't smell anything else except for the scent of the man in front of her, because his scent filled her nose.

Shower gel, shampoo, or... aftershave?

The scent was fresh and clean, very pleasant.

After using several tissues, some spots couldn't be wiped off with just dry paper. Mo Shiqian frowned and asked, "Do you have any wet wipes?"