Chapter 023: Did you spend the whole day with him today?

Chi Huan saw someone coming and thought they were willing to give them a ride down the mountain, so she immediately opened the car door.

But what she saw was a young girl with her make-up all smudged from crying, sobbing intermittently, "Your boyfriend ... told me to come over ... to take you to him."


She, a big star, and nobody could recognize her anymore?!

Actually, it was because of the heavy rain and the dark light, combined with fear, that her eyes were blurred by rain and tears, so she did not pay attention to Chi Huan's face, not to mention that ordinary people couldn't imagine running into a big star so suddenly.

Chi Huan didn't quite understand why the girl was crying, but still chose not to ask anything and got out of the car, walking under the girl's umbrella.

The girl immediately moved the umbrella closer to her, as if afraid Chi Huan would get wet.