Chapter 045: Any Normal Man Would Choose the Second Option

After a long silence, Chi Huan suddenly asked, "What about your fiancée, what do you plan to do?"

Mo Shiqian didn't hesitate much and answered indifferently, "The engagement is off."

She turned her head back, looking steadily at him, "What if, I don't need you to go to prison?"

He remained silent for three seconds to that, "Same."

The engagement with Manyue, it was definitely going to be cancelled.

Chi Huan looked at him. Beneath the neat black haircut, his face was impeccably handsome and composed.

Remembering last night, her blushing lips slowly pursed.

Her pale, delicate feet moved slowly from the grey carpet, entering Mo Shiqian's downcast line of sight, nearing his leg, and finally, stepping on his knee.

Mo Shiqian watched her movements, motionless, his eyes gradually narrowing.

Through a layer of fabric, the woman's soft feet crawled up his thigh. He did not stop her or say anything, but his breathing grew steadily heavier.