Chapter 082: Why is your bodyguard coming out of your apartment?


Here is a string of phone numbers.


He even found her a female bodyguard?

Chi Huan stared at those few lines of words for half a minute before reattaching it to the mirror, brushing her teeth, washing her face, changing clothes, and running to the kitchen to find a steamer basket of Xiaolongbao kept warm.

Xiaolongbao was one of her favorite foods, and she was almost blooming with joy from the aroma.


Chi Huan had gradually resumed work, and she had to go to the company to meet with Manager Yao that morning. After finishing breakfast and packing up, she headed out the door.

As soon as she opened the door, and only one foot had stepped out, she saw the woman squatting against the wall opposite her door.

It was still Su Yabing.

She was still persistently haunting her.

Chi Huan gave her one glance, didn't stop her stride, and headed directly towards the elevator, as if she didn't see her.

Su Yabing, of course, followed her. "Miss Chi."