Chapter 115: He whispered, the delicate little girl

The doctor said with difficulty, "Can you wait a few more minutes? This young lady has been scalded, and we've just drained the blister. It would be best to apply medication and bandage it right away, and it will be dealt with quickly."

That man was Tang Yuezhe's assistant, and his face immediately turned unpleasant, exaggeratingly he said, "Wait a few more minutes? Do you see how bad Miss Liang's injury is? Can it wait a few minutes? If she has any complications later, can your hospital afford to take responsibility?"

The doctor, "..."

If she could walk over here with assistance, what kind of complications could she have? If it were that serious, they would have called an ambulance a long time ago.

But Tang Yuezhe was not someone to be trifled with, and neither were his subordinates, especially when it involved his woman.