Chapter 159: No Matter How Cheap, Not Allowed for Other Men

The last syllable he dragged out exceedingly long, also suffused with extremely thick danger.

Another man?

Chi Huan was taken aback, and quickly realized his abnormal attitude was because... she had dined with Mou Xigu?

The man's voice became even lower, the ink color in his eyes also turned denser, "Chi Huan, if this is what you call loving me, then, your love is indeed quite cheap."


Chi Huan's nerves were stung, and looking at the face still beautifully chiseled, yet unusually tense, a fire-like rage kindled in her heart, but her mind grew unnaturally calm, "My love is cheap? Didn't you not want it? Since it's something you discarded, why do you care whether it's cheap or expensive?"

Mo Shiqian looked down at her face, the sudden surge of anger in his heart not only failed to dissipate but shrouded him even deeper.