National Finals Result

Gu Xiqiao sat on the carpet in the living hall, teasing the dog as she threw a hoop, letting it dangle on it. 

At first, Haha wasn't willing to go along with it, but its instinct kicked in, in the end. Being teased by the toy a few times, it finally started to have fun with it after a few minutes.

She didn't realize that today was the day the results were announced until Xiao Yun called her, as she was having a lot of fun playing with Haha.

"How much did you get?" That was the first sentence that greeted her when she picked up the call from Xiao Yun.

"What?" Gu Xiqiao blinked at the question, their thoughts not on the same wavelength.

Xiao Yun slapped her own forehead in exasperation. "I say, the national finals result, have you checked yours yet?"

"I haven't." Gu Xiqiao replied, snapping out of her daze. She threw the hoop into a random direction and pulled herself up to the sofa, "You've checked yours then? How did you do?"