You Might Meet A Miserable End!

Gu Xiqiao blinked in slight surprise, evidently not expecting to see her so quickly, and the frost on her face dissolved into a warm smile as she walked down the stairs. "Sister Mei."

"It's great that you're back!" Li Yanmei smiled before holding Gu Xiqiao's arm naturally and leading her towards the entrance of the house. "Let's go, I'll go cook some noodles for you at my place!"

Those clean eyes were filled with worry, and Gu Xiqiao obliged with her silent plea to leave so as to not worry her.

After the two girls left, the two that were left on the second floor finally reacted. The girl shook herself free of the man's hand, still quite angry. "What are you doing, Su Wen? That woman is a menace! Who is she, to chase us out like that?!"

"Bao Xinyi, calm down, please." Su Wen rubbed his head, his brows knit together. "Didn't you hear? This is her house, and we moved in here without her permission. We're the ones at fault here."