Can You Just Let Her Go?

It was almost four in the morning now. Peng Zixian stomped on the accelerator, driving back home at her car's maximum speed. Due to her wearing high heels, driving at such a speed guaranteed death if not for the streets being deserted at this hour.

Her Lotus sports car rolled to a stop outside a high-end residential community. 

This was where Peng Zixian lived. The Peng family had their own manor. However, because of the problematic interpersonal relationships there, Peng Zijie refused to call it his home. Similarly, she had moved out of that place due to personal reasons.

The security guard had initially mistaken Peng Zixian as a madwoman and almost called out for backup. Fortunately, someone was a huge fan of the celebrity. He was able to recognize her in the nick of time, avoiding unnecessary complications.