Holographic Film, Zhu Yuan's Invitation

"Miss Chen?!" Luo Wenlin looked at Hua Youlin's teacher in shock and disbelief. 

Miss Chen turned around, giving him a stern look. "Luo Wenlin, you're one of the top students, I hope that you won't tell lies." No matter whether Hua Youlin had stolen the things, it didn't matter. Between Hua Youlin and Student Dai, it was obvious who held more priority in this matter.

Mrs. Dai looked at the principal with a smug expression on her face, a thinly veiled threat in her voice when she next spoke, "Principal, these sort of students will just bring harm to the society when they grow up. I think it's best to nip it in the bud, don't you think so too?"

The principal groaned internally, and giving a more gentle look to Hua Youlin, he prompted him again, "Student Hua, do you have anything else to add?"