Just Who Is That Person?

Gu Xiqiao spun around and entered the ward. 

Everyone in the room was taken aback when they saw her walk into the room. Ying Xu fumbled around in his pocket. He wanted to light up a cigarette but after remembering that this was a hospital, he put down his hands.

"May I have the documents?" said Gu Xiqiao as she reached out towards a nurse standing next to the bed.

The nurse did as asked, passing the dossier over to Gu Xiqiao.

"I haven't seen you for a couple of days and there you are, running around in N City!" Zhu Yuan started blabbering unendingly over the line. "Professor Jiang will chew you out, you hear me?! Why do you have to trigger him like this? Slacker! I won't even give time off for weekends from now on!"