Give It All Up

Just as Yi Tong was about to leave, they ran into Gu Xiqiao and Jiang Shuxuan. 

They've been here for many days, and this was the first time Jiang Shuxuan had stepped outside. Yi Tiao's eyes were round and wide. "That's… Big Boss?"

Yi Bing gave him a disgusted look. "You don't look retarded." Why are you saying such idiotic things, if that's not Big Boss, then who is it?

Yi Tiao: "..." D*mn this as*hole Yi Bing!

Gu Xiqiao was buying some small trinkets, with Jiang Shuxuan following behind her. When they bumped into Yi Tong and the others, he nodded slightly. Gu Xiqiao however, smiled brightly as she greeted them. "Hello, have you seen Jiji?"

"Jiji is eating in the kitchen, Miss Gu." Yi Bing wanted to slap himself once the words were out, Jiji was a robot, how could it be eating?

Wouldn't the food just get stuck inside it?

"Thank you for your care," Gu Xiqiao replied, the smile still bright on her face.