She's No Commoner

Panic gripped the people of the ancient martial arts world. Those who were once loyal to Jiang Tong were starting to lose their minds. However, Jiang Shuxuan and Gu Xiqiao had already left this place. The elders paid Shu Chen a visit but they were briefly turned away when she saw their pale faces.

"These people have too high hopes." Shu Chen put down her teacup. A sneer appeared on her face. "It was only a few days ago that they accused my daughter-in-law of being the source of calamity for our world. Now they're here to beg for her mercy? Do they seriously think her forgiveness is of such a low value?!"

The butler, standing not far away, put down the phone. "Madam, Master's on the line."

"Jiang Han?" Shu Chen immediately got up from her seat and hurried over to pick up the phone.