New Perception

Disagree? Who the heck would dare to say they disagree at this time?!

Looking at the way Gu Xiqiao carried herself, it was obvious that she was using her strength to dominate over everyone so that no one would dare to go against her!

However, even though they were well aware of this matter, it was still reality that it was a fact that was happening. When they looked at Gu Xiqiao, no one dared to voice any protest.

All of them together would still be no match for Gu Xiqiao, who would dare to resist this kind of person?

"Looks like all the leaders present are in agreement with me. That's good." Gu Xiqiao was still leaning forward on the table, her eyes narrowed at them. "What the entire power world needs is unity. You don't have to do much, just listen to the Great Elder. As for the specifics on what you need to do, just ask the Great Elder yourself when the time comes."