
A pair of 2.5-inch heels clicked rhythmically on the red carpet beneath. They belonged to a pair of fair, slender legs and a voluptuous, feminine figure with alluring curves. 

Chi Wan rubbed her temples. A look of fatigue flashed across her pretty face.

Although she got off work early, the filming was unbelievably challenging. It was time to shoot the next TV show, so she had to finish filming her current role as a supporting actress.

She walked towards Room 1812 and was about to knock on the door when she noticed that it swung open silently by itself.

What was Lin Ya thinking?

She was a top celebrity who had won an award for Best Actress and the lead of this show. Was Lin Ya trying to lure the paparazzi in by leaving her door unlocked?

A sultry, amorous voice appeared from beyond the door and interrupted her train of thoughts. 

Chi Wan knew what was going on, despite her lack of experience in this situation.

She was, after all, only here to inform Lin Ya of the reshoot. A situation like this was beyond her expectations. 

It was just slightly embarrassing.

As Chi Wan was pondering her dilemma, she froze at the name the woman within called!

"Tianye, we've been with each other for so long and you still haven't told me that you love me..."


'Could that be...?'

Any shred of doubt in Chi Wan's mind was erased by the man's reply.

"Shh, keep quiet and pay attention."

The husky yet familiar voice caused Chi Wan's face to turn into a shade of pale, horrified white. Her mind went blank and her gaze lost its usual spark.

The depravity in the room continued.

Chi Wan stood there with her muscles refusing to move. Her entire body was numb and cold.

The man in the room was someone she called her lover — three years they had been together; their relationship had always been kept a secret.

Just half a year ago, he had won his third award for Best Actor. His reputation soared and numerous seasoned artists recognized him as a gifted individual among the younger generation of actors.

When he first emerged in the film industry, Chi Wan had stuck by his side and watched his rise in fame.

All she felt was pride in her lover's success.

Apart from the fact that they were constantly away from each other, their relationship had always been stable.

He was kind and loving even if the relationship was never revealed to the public.

Chi Wan was a naturally distant person and had her heart thawed over time, but she eventually grew affectionate towards him.

Where was all that now?

The repulsive voices from within grew louder and louder. Chi Wan stood outside, listening, and a chuckle escaped her lips.

Indeed, he was the best young actor in all of China. What an enthralling performance!

Had she not overheard them, she might have been trapped within his pool of lies forever.

What could Chi Wan do besides applaud this great actor?

It was some time before she noticed a topless man with a towel wrapped around his waist through the ajar door. A pair of attractive, doe-like eyes met her gaze.

An expression of horror appeared on Huo Tianye's face. He took two steps forward before he could stop himself, and stared intently at Chi Wan.

A certain coolness descended onto his handsome face, one which could have sent his female fans into a frenzy.

Chi Wan looked at his cold gaze and gave a mocking laugh. His cover had been blown, there was no use in either of them hiding it any further.

She blinked, only to have her vision fogged by a layer of tears. She wiped her eyes with her hand and saw the shiny droplets on her palm. 

Despite her aching heart, she still flashed her signature smile — a bright, radiant smile filled with a kind of cool elegance.


  1. The MC's name, 迟晚, is used as a pun in the novel's Chinese title, 爱你迟而不晚.